What You Should Know About Herrick House
Herrick House is an assisted living and memory care community located on beautifully landscaped, wooded grounds. Residents can relax with a peaceful walk or with massage therapy at the on-site spa. Regular transport helps residents get to appointments as well as outings to restaurants, movies or museums. A private car can be scheduled on request. Residents enjoy meals at the Heel Tapper pub, any of five formal dining rooms or a private dining room to enjoy with guests. Regular housekeeping, daily trash collection, complimentary Wi-Fi and mail delivered to each resident's door create a worry-free, convenient lifestyle. Residents can spend their days reading by the fireplace or on the terrace, watching their favorite shows on flat screen televisions, or taking advantage of the many concerts, trivia nights, art classes and group activities on offer.
What Herrick House Offers
- Pet Therapy
- Pets Allowed
- Room Service
What Residents Are Saying
4.32 out of 5 stars
Reviews gathered from around the web
Average of 9 reviews
Many residents and family members admire the beauty of Herrick House. One reviewer notes, "My Mom loves it here and the community is clean and well maintained. The view of…
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Services & Amenities
Herrick House offers services and activities to help residents thrive and build meaningful connections.