Mississippi’s senior population makes up 13% of the state’s population, a relatively small percentage compared to some states. Due to a lower-than-average cost of living and relatively inexpensive assisted living (its monthly average is about $500 less than the national average), the state is an affordable destination for seniors who are looking for an assisted living community.
Directory of Assisted Living Facilities in Mississippi
Finding the right assisted living facility for yourself or a friend requires a focused and often protracted effort. To simplify your research process, we have compiled a directory of relevant information on Mississippi assisted living communities. Our side-by-side data comparison regarding things like facility costs, amenities, and Medicaid acceptance status will aid you in making your best choice.
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How to Pay for Assisted Living in Mississippi
Determining how to finance assisted living often starts with the question, “What’s the cost?” In today’s economy, where inflation plays a significant role, having current data is crucial for senior living financial planning. AssistedLiving.org has gathered cost information from its expansive network of over 75,000 senior living providers. This data offers a glimpse into the average expenses for assisted living in Mississippi and 12 additional cities within Mississippi.
How Inflation Has Impacted the Cost of Assisted Living in Mississippi
Inflation affects all prices, including assisted living. In Mississippi, prices for long-term care jumped 8.5% up to $3,996. The national increase for senior living was 10% from 2022 to 2023. Most neighboring states were between 12.5% (Louisiana) and 15% (Alabama). Arkansas is one of the few states that saw the cost drop from $3,960 to $3,840, and Tennessee saw 24.5%.
In most states, prices are expected to continue increasing but much more slowly. For example, Tennessee projections are for an 8.5% increase in 2024. Mississippi’s prices are expected to drop slightly to $3,881, making long-term care a bit more affordable.
Location | 2022 Cost (Historical) | 2023 Cost (Current) | 2024 Cost (Estimated) |
Mississippi | $3,693 | $3,996 | $3,881 |
U.S. Average | $4,070 | $4,459 | $4,802 |
Louisiana | $3,473 | $3,903 | $3,913 |
Arkansas | $3,960 | $3,840 | $4,439 |
Tennessee | $3,383 | $4,201 | $4,543 |
Alabama | $3,316 | $3,798 | $4,045 |
Assisted Living Costs in Mississippi's Top Cities
Mississippi’s assisted living options range in price depending on location. In Gulfport, costs are very inexpensive at $3,539, while Hattiesburg is the most expensive city in the state at $5,237. Both Biloxi and Tupelo fall in the mid-range with costs at $3,709 and $4,463, respectively. Given the nearly $1,700 monthly price difference between the lowest and highest cost cities, it’s easy to see how important it is to thoroughly research senior living options.
The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living
In addition to location, the type of care also impacts pricing. Seniors who don’t need help with daily activities but want community amenities and a permanent break from yard work might consider independent living options, which average $3,096. Adding assistance with daily tasks and meal plans makes a community assisted living with a price of $3,996. Memory care is the most intensive option with pricing to match at $4,679.
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Mississippi
Home- and Community-Based Service Waivers
Mississippi’s Assisted Living Waiver is specifically designed to help individuals who qualify for an institutional level of care avoid being institutionalized. Instead, it allows them to receive reimbursements in an assisted living program. Reimbursements may cover personal care services, such as assistance with activities of daily living like bathing and dressing, and can include assistance with medical maintenance tasks as well.
Waiver programs are not entitlements, which means that Medicaid funding for waiver programs is capped on a yearly basis. Most waiver programs can support between 150 to 300 recipients at a time, and waitlists for coverage can be extensive. It is advised to apply for waivers as far in advance as possible.
Who Is Eligible
People who are nursing home-eligible and qualify for SSI are automatically eligible for HCBS waivers. Non-SSI Medicaid recipients may also be eligible if they qualify medically and have an income that is less than 300% of the Federal Benefit Rate. This equates to a monthly income of $2,250 (or an annual income of $27,000), or less. Liquid assets (cash or assets that can easily be converted to cash) can amount to no more than $4,000.
How to Apply
To find out if you qualify for an HCBS waiver and to apply for assistance, visit Medicaid.MS.gov. The Mississippi Division of Medicaid can be contacted at (800) 421-2408. To find more information, consult the table in this guide to find your local Area Agency on Aging.
More Ways to Finance Assisted Living
Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:
- Veterans Benefits: Veterans can take advantage of several different pension programs to help cover the cost of assisted living. For more information, see the article on benefits.va.gov.
- Life Insurance Policies: Even if a spouse or loved one hasn’t died, certain types of life insurance policies can be used to pay for assisted living. More information is available at longtermcare.acl.gov
- Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance policy that pays for long-term care when it becomes necessary, including the cost of assisted living. For more information on the benefits and drawbacks of this financing method, visit longtermcare.acl.gov.
- Reverse Mortgages: Reverse mortgages allow seniors to access the equity from a home that they own, and these funds can be used to pay for assisted living. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a federally insured reverse mortgage program.
Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in Mississippi
There are many resources in Mississippi that assist seniors in their retirement. Assistedliving.org has compiled information on local organizations, programs and agencies and categorized them into care types for easy reference.
Area Agency on Aging
Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Area Agencies on Aging | Mississippi’s Area Agencies on Aging provide seniors aged 60 and older with access to critical services, helping them maintain a high quality of life. They organize services such as congregate and home-delivered meals, legal assistance and advocacy. Specialists can refer seniors to other assistance programs they may qualify for and discuss long-term care options. AAAs also provide access to home and community-based programs, including case management, home care and respite care, and they coordinate transportation services and caregiver support programs. |
Cash Assistance Programs
Cash assistance programs in Mississippi provide financial support to help low-income retirees remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Seniors and caregivers can apply for tax rebates and reductions, discounts on vital services and help covering the cost of heating and cooling their home.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Lifeline Program | 800-234-9473 | The LifeLine Program offers a discount on landline or mobile telephone service, ensuring that participants can stay in contact with loved ones. |
Financial Assistance for Senior Living
Low-income elderly individuals in senior living communities can access financial assistance through local-run programs. These Mississippi resources offer advice, guidance and support to help older adults pay for the services offered by long-term care providers.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Assisted Living Waiver | 800-421-2408 | The Assisted Living Waiver could help you avoid a nursing home and move into an assisted living facility instead. Depending on your needs, the waiver could provide you with homemaker services, daily living assistance, medication management, transportation and a range of other services. |
Food Assistance Programs
Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help Mississippi seniors afford the nutritious food they need.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Food Network | 601-353-7286 | The Mississippi Food Network, headquartered in Jackson, hosts an Emergency Food Assistance Program that helps local seniors access free food that meets the nutritional requirements associated with aging. Donated food items are distributed via the food pantries, community kitchens and shelters of its many community-based partner organizations. At-risk seniors are eligible for a monthly shelf-stable package delivered through the network’s Senior Grocery Program. Inquire online or by calling 601-353-7286. |
Mississippi Meals on Wheels | Mississippi Meals on Wheels operates congregate meal sites and home-delivered meals throughout the state, ensuring that seniors ages 60 and over receive suitable nutrition. To be eligible, older adults must meet age requirements; the program is focused on those whose limited mobility makes shopping for groceries and preparing meals difficult. Meals are provided based on a sliding-fee scale that takes individual financial circumstances into account. Some community programs offer meals for those with special dietary needs and cultural or ethnic preferences. | |
Mississippi Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | 800-948-3050 | The Mississippi Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps low-income seniors ages 60 and over obtain healthy food for balanced nutrition. Applicants must meet income guidelines before they’re administered an electronic benefits transfer card. This card functions like a debit card and can be used at grocery stores, convenience stores and farmers’ markets throughout the state as well as on websites that accept EBT. The card can only be used toward food, including bread, meat, fish and poultry, dairy products and produce. |
Free Used Medical Equipment
Due to the high cost of purchasing new medical equipment, several organizations in Mississippi collect lightly used medical devices such as wheelchairs, ramps and walkers and distribute them to local seniors and residents in need.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi START’S Device Reutilization Program | 800-852-8328 | Mississippi’s Project S.T.A.R.T. refurbishes donated medical equipment and loans it to the state’s disabled and chronically ill residents for free. Wheelchairs, folding ramps and bedside toilets are just a few examples of the types of equipment seniors can borrow for up to 90 days. |
Home Repair and Modifications
Seniors and those with disabilities can access a variety of local resources to help them pay for home repairs and modifications. Programs in Mississippi have different eligibility criteria and often assist retirees by providing grants or loans.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Section 504 Home Repair Program | 601-965-4316 | The U.S.D.A. Home Repair Grant provides the state’s seniors with financial assistance for making health and safety repairs to their homes. The maximum grant amount is $10,000. If the home is sold within 3 years, the loan has to be repaid. |
Mississippi Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) | 800-421-0762 | The W.A.P. enables low-income residents to receive free energy efficiency upgrades, lowering their overall energy costs. Placing insulation in walls and floors, replacing ductwork and repairing furnaces are some of the program’s typical services. |
Medicaid Resources
Navigating the Medicaid system is often difficult and confusing. Several Mississippi resources help older adults by providing advice on Medicaid options, waiver programs and eligibility criteria to help seniors receive the right health care benefits.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Elderly and Disabled Waiver | 800-421-2408 | The Elderly and Disabled Waiver provides in-home services according to care plans developed by the registered nurse and social worker assigned to each program participant. If you’re approved for this waiver, you could receive: • Home delivered meals • In-home respite care • Assistance with personal hygiene • Home health visits • Physical or speech therapies |
Mississippi Independent Living Waiver | 800-421-2408 | Medicaid’s Independent Living Waiver is a Home and Community Based Services waiver. Its main services are case management and personal care assistance, but some seniors can also receive home accessibility modifications and medical equipment. |
Senior Centers
Senior centers in Mississippi bring together residents through recreational activities and events. Many also offer advice and support on senior issues, run wellness and nutrition programs, and connect older adults with other resources in the local area.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Division of Aging and Adult Services for Seniors | 800-948-3090 | As part of the Mississippi Department of Human Services, the Division of Aging and Adult Services helps seniors throughout the state in numerous ways, including offering financial assistance programs that can cover some or all of the cost of care. Seniors aged 60+ and their caregivers can seek answers and assistance by contacting one of the ten Area Agencies on Aging located in Mississippi and managed by DAAS. |
Social Security Offices
Social Security offices in Mississippi help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they’re entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Social Security | Social Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you’ll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working. |
Tax Assistance
Seniors can apply for tax assistance from several Mississippi resources. Elderly residents and those with disabilities could be eligible for tax exemptions on medical expenses, reductions on property tax and other tax assistance programs.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Homestead Exemption | 601-923-7618 | The Homestead Exemption saves seniors money on their property taxes. Those who qualify can exempt $7,500 of value from what it’s been assessed. |
Utility & Energy Bill Assistance
Low-income seniors who are struggling to meet the costs of maintaining their homes can find support from organizations that offer assistance with utility and energy bills. Mississippi retirees could also qualify for emergency funding programs if they’re in danger of losing utility services due to unpaid invoices.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | 800-421-0762 | L.I.H.E.A.P. can pay the balance of past due home energy bills, including those with disconnect notices. This program can help you if you’re at risk of losing your heating or cooling during the year’s hottest days. |
Veteran’s Services
Mississippi retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they’re eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Mississippi VA Benefits and Health Care | Mississippi VA Benefits and Health Care services include specialized assistance for senior veterans. For medical, seniors have a wide range of options at the Biloxi and Jackson medical centers, as well as several outpatient locations. Seniors over 65 and those with disabilities may qualify for additional pension funds to pay for in-home care services, such as home health aid costs and skilled nursing. |
Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Mississippi
The Department of Human Services oversees licensure and regulation of Mississippi’s assisted living programs. There are two types of assisted living programs in the state, Residential Living and Assisted Living, with Residential Living Facilities being more equipped to accommodate people with diminished mental capacity. Most regulations in this section govern both facility types, with a few exceptions.
Assisted Living Service Plans
Incoming assisted living residents must receive an examination by a licensed physician within 30 days of their move-in date. After the examination is complete, a meeting will take place between assisted living staff and prospective residents. A written service plan is prepared to address the resident’s medical conditions, medications, and special needs.
Prospective tenants who receive behavioral care must also have behavioral goals and strategies addressed in their service plan, which must then be reviewed by a physician or behavioral healthcare provider. A residential agreement is also drawn up at this time which documents that residents have been informed of their rights and all expenses at the facility.
Assisted Living Admission Requirements
Assisted living facilities can only accept residents whose needs they are staffed and licensed to fulfill, and yearly examinations must be performed to ensure continued fitness for an assisted living program.
Prospective residents may not qualify for admittance if they require the use of physical restraints, pose a serious threat to themselves or others, or require certain services which the facility cannot provide. Some medical maintenance tasks can disqualify a person from residence, such the need for regular sterile wound care or use of an indwelling urinary catheter.
Assisted Living Scope of Care
Mississippi licenses two types of assisted living communities. They are Assisted Living Facilities and Residential Living Facilities, each providing different levels of care. Residential Care Facilities offer specialized medical care and housing for residents with dementia, while Assisted Living Facilities are better equipped to provide leisure activities to their residents, promoting healthy living and encouraging social interaction in a home-like environment. Home health agencies are permitted to provide services to residents who wish to receive more extensive personal care.
The minimum required services offered at both types of assisted living communities include assistance with:
- Laundry
- Meals
- Medication management
- Personal grooming
- Simple daily activities
- Eating and meal preparation
- Limited mobility assistance
Assisted Living Medicaid Policy
Licensed residential care settings can accept Medicaid reimbursement only for services provided to nursing home-eligible waiver or PACE enrollees. For people who are not waiver or PACE recipients, reimbursement for personal care services at assisted living and residential living facilities is not provided in the state of Mississippi. There are also no laws in this state to reduce room and board costs for Medicaid or SSI recipients.
Assisted Living Facility Requirements
Mississippi assisted care settings must meet certain logistical requirements to provide adequate space and a positive environment for residents. Although private units are not a legal requirement in this state, facilities may offer private apartments or bedrooms that can house up to four consenting tenants. At least 80 square feet of usable space must be available for each resident in a unit, and one lavatory and one bathing area must be available per every six and twelve residents, respectively. In addition to personal housing, facilities are also required to offer:
- Dining facilities that offer three meals a day
- Facilities for educational and leisure activities
- Emergency call systems
- Exercise facilities
- Housekeeping and maintenance
- Organized recreational activities
- Laundry services
- Social services and religious activities
- 24-hour security
Facilities that house dementia care units must provide secured entrances and exits to deter wandering. Secured outdoor areas must also be provided.
Medication Management Requirements
Assisted living and residential living facility staff may provide reminders and limited assistance to residents in self-administering their medicines. However, only a licensed nurse may administer medications to a resident who does not self-administer. If a resident’s medication is administered for them, decisions about the administration of the medication, including which medication is to be taken, the dosage, or the time at which the medication is to be taken will be made by a licensed nurse.
Staffing Requirements
Mississippi’s assisted living programs require a certain ratio of staff to residents to be maintained at all hours. This ensures that assistance can be adequately provided night and day. From 7:00 pm to 7:00 am, at least one employee must be awake per every 25 people in residence at the facility. During the day, one staff member must be available per every 15 residents. As opposed to residential living facilities, in assisted living facilities, a licensed nurse must be on the grounds eight hours per day. In facilities that house dementia or Alzheimer’s care units, a greater number of licensed nursing staff must be available, and at least two staff members must be available during all hours.
Staff Training Requirements
All assisted living program staff members must receive training that is appropriate for the care of the specific populations in residence where they are employed. After a two-day, pre-employment training orientation, staff members are given continual in-service training on a quarterly basis. New employees must spend 2 concurrent days training with the Department of Human Services. Facility administrators are called “operators” in Mississippi, and operators must also complete a two-day mentoring program with the DHS. Re-training is not required for operators.
Background Checks for Assisted Living
All administrators and staff must attest that they are not listed on the Nurses’ Aide Abuse Registry. All new employees who provide services directly to residents must submit to fingerprinting and a criminal background check. The check will disqualify anyone from employment who has had convictions or substantiated reports of violent crimes, abuse, drug crimes, exploitation, or theft. However, the results of a background check may be received after a trial employment period has already begun, at which point an unfit employee would be terminated.
Reporting Abuse
The state of Mississippi provides different means for citizens to report elder abuse or perceived rule-breaking on the part of a long-term care facility.
Before reporting a facility for rule breaking, the Department of Human Services suggests first addressing the matter directly with facility administrators. If this brings no resolution to the matter, the DHS Department of Health Facilities Licensure and Certification provides a hotline where facilities can be reported. To reach the hotline, call (800) 227-7308.
To confidentially make reports of suspected elder abuse, Mississippi’s DHS provides a hotline that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Abuse of an elder or vulnerable adult can include physical or emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, exploitation, and theft. The DHS Vulnerable Adult Abuse Hotline can be reached at (844) 437-6282. Adult Protective Services also offers a hotline that can be reached by dialing (800) 222-8000.
Mississippi COVID-19 Rules for Assisted Living Facilities
Note: The following information was compiled and most recently updated on 2/8/22. Since COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving crisis, be sure to contact your assisted living facility or local Area Agency on Aging for the most up-to-date information.
COVID-19 Rules in Mississippi | |
Are loved ones allowed to visit residents in their assisted living community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents required to quarantine after their loved ones visit? | No |
Are loved ones required to wear masks when visiting residents? | Yes |
Are Hairdressers and other non-medical contractors allowed in assisted living communities? | Yes |
Are visitors screened for elevated temperatures before entering the assisted living community? | Yes |
Are residents allowed to leave the assisted living community for non-medical reasons? | Yes |
Are residents who leave required to quarantine when they get back to the assisted living community? | No (Conditions Apply) |
Are assisted living communities required to cancel all group outings? | No |
Are assisted living communities allowed to host group activities within the community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are staff members regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are staff members regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents regularly screened for COVID-19 symptoms? | Yes |
Are residents regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are residents regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Sources: msdh.ms.gov www.cdc.gov
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