What You Should Know About Mt Gems - Ruby House
MT Gems Assisted Living is located in a privately owned home in Great Falls, Montana, just off the parade route and near several restaurants and shopping. It offers a large secured yard, along with a covered deck and barbecues for gatherings. The surrounding courtyard is full of trees, gardens and wildlife. Activities provided by the well-trained staff are generally music-based for maximum stimulation. The kitchen provides tasty homemade meals and snacks that can be enjoyed in the company of other residents or privately. Staff are trained to meet residents' specific needs and are available 24/7. Transportation and staff support are available for appointments and other outings.
What Mt Gems - Ruby House Offers
- Pet Therapy
- Pets Allowed
- Room Service
State Licenses: 13655
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What Residents Are Saying
4.61 out of 5 stars
Reviews gathered from around the web
Average of 15 reviews
Residents and family members boast about the friendly staff, outdoor area and high-quality food. "It is a wonderful place. The people here are very caring and kept my family informed…
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Map of Mt Gems - Ruby House
Services & Amenities
Mt Gems - Ruby House offers services and activities to help residents thrive and build meaningful connections.
FAQ About Manor Lake Assisted Living & Memory Care
Ruby House has monthly continuing education as a group to discuss any problems and solutions they may arise.
Residents at Ruby House are a mix of male and female but are mostly female. Ages range 75-100. Ruby is a secured campus of 2 homes. Specifically licensed for all levels of Dementia care. Most residents have some form of Dementia but some just have greater physical care needs. We have entertainment every day, most arranged around music.
Music based activities daily.
Ruby House is just off the parade route so residents are able to go as a group to watch them with staff support.
Ruby House has three vehicles available for transportation to and from scheduled medical appointments. Our staff, if needed, can accompany residents through the entire appointment and relay information via email to family.
Meals are made from scratch and prepared on site Ruby House has group dining and individual dining tables for more those who want to dine with fewer companions.
Ruby House is a secured home with our state license specifically covering Dementia care. A large yard and covered deck have secured 6' fencing between our two locations to allow plenty of roaming in a safe environment. Residents are free to come and go between our two locations since all are Dementia licensed and secured.
We are accessible to families 24/7. We keep in contact with families via emails, phone and text messages.
Staffing depends on the needs of the current resident population. Normally there are between 2-5 staff on site. Our maximum number of residents is 19. However, because rooms can be private or semi-private for financial savings, we usually have about 16.
Ruby House has a dog, Izzy, who comes to work daily. We do not allow personal pets.
A thorough training program is done by our Team Leader. New staff are then paired up with a veteran staff member. Background checks are done prior to hire. Initial and random drug testing is done through a 3rd party provider.
Ruby House is licensed for Dementia care so we have a state of the art security system & wondering program. Doors are held with magnetic technology and each staff has their own code to get in and out. Codes are held secret so there is no risk of a third party accidentally disarming our system. This keeps the residents safe from wondering.
Ruby House has an RN who does scheduled and unscheduled visits with our residents. At a minimum, residents are re-evaluated every 90 days or sooner if there is a hospitalization or significant change in status. Administration also re-assesses specific residents every 90 days.
Electronic daily charting is done by caregivers to keep RN and Administration current on daily needs and changes.
Ruby House also uses electronic medication records for accuracy.
Staff are with the residents during meal time. Staff physically assist those who cannot feed themselves or need encouragement to eat.
Ruby house is available 24/7 by phone, text and emails
Ruby House is in a residential neighborhood just a block off a small, hometown business district. Restaurants and shopping is within walking distance. There is a motel 1/2 block away for families visiting from out of town. This motel has a restaurant, off street parking, a pool and a lounge that is under the pool so you can watch as the Mermaids swim in the evenings. They also have a piano player in the lounge, Piano Pat.
We have a house nurse practitioner who comes to our facility if residents choose him as their provider. We have 2 hospitals in Great Falls and several clinics to utilize.