What You Should Know About Hawthorn Glen Nursing Center
Hawthorne Glen Senior Living Campus provides assisted living residents with 24-hour care services that include medication management. Caregivers make each senior's day easier by responding to urgent needs, helping them bathe or use the restroom, acting as escorts around the campus and assisting them with meals. Residents have access to telephone and cable connections and can freely use several common areas around the campus, including spacious outdoor courtyards and patios. Seniors can receive on-site physical and occupational therapy. Hawthorne Glen Senior Living Campus features daily planned activities, such as social events, mixers and holiday celebrations and a variety of creative and recreational activities curated to fit resident interests.
What Hawthorn Glen Nursing Center Offers
- Pet Therapy
- Pets Allowed
- Room Service
What Residents Are Saying
3.25 out of 5 stars
Reviews gathered from around the web
Average of 38 reviews
Residents say positive things about the quality of care at Hawthorne Glen Senior Living Campus. With regard to his father's care, one says, "We will always be thankful for the…
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Map of Hawthorn Glen Nursing Center
Services & Amenities
Hawthorn Glen Nursing Center offers services and activities to help residents thrive and build meaningful connections.