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Washington state will appeal to many seniors as a retirement destination for a number of reasons. With 12.3% of the state aged 65 or older, it’s quite tax-friendly to retirees, as there are no taxes on retirement and pension funds, or social security benefits. Additionally, the state ranks 2nd in the nation in the quality of its long-term care, and is home to world-class health services and award-winning medical facilities.

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How to Pay for Assisted Living in Washington

Determining how to finance assisted living often starts with the question, “What’s the cost?” In today’s economy, where inflation plays a significant role, having current data is crucial for senior living financial planning. has gathered cost information from its expansive network of over 75,000 senior living providers. This data offers a glimpse into the average expenses for assisted living in Washington and 61 additional cities within Washington.

How Inflation Has Impacted the Cost of Assisted Living in Washington

Recent years have seen assisted living costs fluctuate nationwide, and Washington is no exception. Most significantly, this means an inflation-driven increase in care expenses of approximately 14% between 2022 and 2023. This puts Washington ahead of the nationwide average of about 10%. Compared to neighboring states, Washington’s shift is similar to Oregon’s and Idaho’s, at 19% and 14%, respectively. Looking at current expenses, Washington remains below California’s $4,946 and Montana’s $5,257.

2024 estimations project an increase for Washington (at $5,051) and its neighboring states. The rising cost of care highlights the importance of proactive senior living planning in any state.

Location 2022 Cost (Historical) 2023 Cost (Current) 2024 Cost (Estimated)
Washington $4,156 $4,743 $5,051
U.S. Average $4,070 $4,459 $4,802
Oregon $4,681 $5,580 $5,942
Idaho $3,864 $4,388 $5,122
Montana $5,038 $5,257 $5,599
California  $4,625 $4,946 $5,221

Assisted Living Costs in Washington's Top Cities

A survey of assisted living costs across Washington cities shows some variation across the state. Issaquah’s cost, at $4,711, is closest to the statewide average. Kennewick and Federal Way come in slightly lower, at $4,355 and $3,910, respectively. Auburn makes for the most economical choice at $2,827, nearly $2,000 below Washington’s average. The wide range of costs presents options for those in need of senior care, making it essential to consider options across the state.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living

Finding the right senior living arrangement means considering all of the care options Washington offers. Assisted living, with an average cost of $4,743, supports seniors while maintaining their independence. Memory care, at $6,893, includes specialty care for seniors living with dementia. Independent living, at $3,552, is another option for independent seniors who would benefit from community amenities. Evaluating the financial and lifestyle needs of each individual is essential for determining the right form of care.

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Washington

Washington State Long-Term Care Services

Unlike many other states, Washington’s Medicaid program (Apple Health) directly pays for Assisted Living for eligible individuals. Certain facilities are contracted by Apple Health to provide three different service packages:

  • Adult Residential Care (ARC): This package provides moderate help with everyday activities and reminders to take medications, but is not for individuals who are unable to take those medications on their own.
  • Enhanced Adult Residential Care (EARC): This package provides all the same services that the ARC package does, but has provisions for a person that can’t or won’t take their own medications, and often some form of nursing care.
  • EARC Specialised Dementia Care: This level of service is for those with dementia. All of the care options provided in the EARC level of care are also included in this package, along with intermittent nursing, specialized dementia training for staff, awake 24-hour staff, supervision, and tailored activities.

Who Is Eligible?

Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to apply for Apple Health. In the case of elderly applicants who need assisted living, once applications have been submitted the HHS will then conduct a financial review assessment to determine eligibility. There is a $2,000 resource cap for individuals and a $3,000 cap for couples. A personal functionality assessment will also need to be completed to further determine eligibility.

How to Apply

Applications for Washington Apple Health, along with various other resources can be found on their website. Alternately, those interested in applying for Medicaid may do so by visiting their local HHS office or by calling (800) 562-3022.

More Ways to Finance Assisted Living

Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits: Veterans can take advantage of several different pension programs to help cover the cost of assisted living. For more information, see the article on
  • Life Insurance Policies: Even if a spouse or loved one hasn’t died, certain types of life insurance policies can be used to pay for assisted living. More information is available at
  • Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance policy that pays for long-term care when it becomes necessary, including the cost of assisted living. For more information on the benefits and drawbacks of this financing method, visit
  • Reverse Mortgages: Reverse mortgages allow seniors to access the equity from a home that they own, and these funds can be used to pay for assisted living. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a federally insured reverse mortgage program.

Free Assisted Living Resources in Washington State

In Washington, a multitude of resources are available to support seniors during their retirement years. has gathered data on various local entities, initiatives, and agencies, and organized them according to the type of care they provide for effortless navigation.

Area Agency on Aging

Your local Area Agency on Aging is a valuable resource for retirees, offering guidance on financial aid, in-home care, and long-term care planning. They also link seniors and caregivers to community resources.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Area Agencies on Aging Area Agencies on Aging in Washington collaborate with state, federal, and local agencies to provide comprehensive support for older adults and their caregivers. They offer a range of in-home care services, including medical and nonmedical assistance with hygiene, memory support, meal delivery, light housekeeping, and mobility. Additional services encompass nonemergency transportation, adult day programs, medication monitoring, and community engagement opportunities. These programs aim to empower older adults to maintain their independence.

Cash Assistance Programs

In Washington, financial aid programs are available to support low-income seniors in maintaining their home-based living. These programs offer tax relief, essential service discounts, and assistance with home heating and cooling expenses.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Lifeline Program 800-234-9473 The LifeLine Program provides discounted telephone service, allowing participants to maintain communication with their loved ones via landline or mobile phones.

Financial Assistance for Senior Care and Senior Living

Seniors in Washington, whether residing independently or in a senior living facility, have access to various local financial aid options. These entities assist in offsetting certain in-home or long-term care expenses and link them to beneficial community resources.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA) 800-562-6028 ALTSA is a non-profit organization that offers education and training for caregivers and seniors with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Our annual Taking Care, Giving Care conference provides technical training for caregivers, while our member website and printed information packets keep enrolled care providers informed with news and updates.

Food Assistance Programs

In Washington, various local initiatives are dedicated to promoting senior health through balanced nutrition. They offer services like meal delivery, communal dining, and food banks, ensuring elderly residents have access to affordable, nutritious food.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) 360-902-1800 The Washington Commodity Supplemental Food Program offers nutritious food to eligible residents aged 60 and above. CSFP provides shelf-stable items and fresh produce like vegetables, cereal, potatoes, and fruits. Currently, the program is accessible in 27 out of 39 counties in Washington. To find nearby CSFP providers, residents can utilize the CSFP locator tool.
Washington Food Lifeline 877-404-7543 Washington Food Lifeline operates the Hunger Solutions Center in Seattle, where it oversees senior food assistance programs. Its mission is to address hunger and improve the nutritional needs of older adults. The organization collaborates with various partner agencies, such as senior housing providers and mobile food pantries, to distribute food to local food banks and support senior meal programs. Seniors can easily find their nearest food bank through the online directory or toll-free hotline.
Washington Meals on Wheels Washington Meals on Wheels operates independent programs throughout the state, offering free or affordable meals and additional assistance to seniors. Pricing is determined on a sliding scale, taking into account individual circumstances. Services are available to individuals aged 60 and above, with meals provided either in a group setting or delivered to accommodate mobility needs. Additional services may include emergency meal delivery, pet food delivery, and transportation.
Washington Second Harvest Inland Northwest The Washington Second Harvest Inland Northwest food bank aids seniors facing food insecurity in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. It provides mobile markets for low-income seniors and families to access nutritious groceries at no charge. Additionally, the organization operates 250 food pantries and meal sites in the area, ensuring ongoing food availability for those in need. It also offers nutrition education and cooking classes to assist seniors in preparing healthy meals.
Washington Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) 800-422-3263 The Washington Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program aids local farmers and low-income seniors by offering vouchers for fresh produce purchases at participating farmers’ markets and roadside produce stands. Benefits are distributed via a debit card and can be used from June 1 to October 31. The SFMNP also supports congregate meal sites and senior food delivery services in providing fresh produce options.
Washington State Food Assistance Program 877-501-2233 The Washington State Food Assistance Program offers grocery funds to immigrant seniors who are ineligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program due to their immigration status. Eligibility requires legal residency in the U.S. and meeting SNAP income criteria. Benefits are determined based on household income and size. If a household includes a senior immigrant and a U.S. citizen, they may qualify for a combination of benefits from both programs.

Home Repair and Modifications

In Washington, numerous programs are available to aid seniors and individuals with disabilities in financing home modifications and repairs. These programs, offering grants or loans, have diverse eligibility requirements specifically designed for retirees.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Habitat for Humanity Aging in Place Program The Washington Habitat for Humanity Aging in Place program offers support and assistance to seniors who prefer to stay in their own homes. Through partnerships with human service organizations, Habitat assesses individual needs and makes necessary repairs and modifications to enhance safety and accessibility. These modifications include installing ramps, raised toilets, lever door handles, and railings. Additionally, the program connects older adults with community resources to help them maintain their independence.
Washington Home Repair and Modification Assistance 877-894-4663 The Washington Home Repair and Modification Assistance program, managed by the Washington Homeownership Resource Center, supports seniors in maintaining a safe living environment. It offers services like installing grab bars and wheelchair ramps, as well as addressing preventive maintenance and minor home repairs, such as blocked drains and faulty appliances.
Washington Weatherization Program The Weatherization Assistance Program in Washington receives funding from the state, federal government, and utility companies. It offers energy-efficient upgrades like insulation and air leak sealing, which can enhance your safety, health, and reduce utility costs.

In Washington, numerous agencies provide affordable or complimentary legal assistance to the elderly. They offer counsel on matters like estate management, living wills, and power of attorney. Some even serve as advocates for seniors’ rights in long-term care facilities.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Legal Help for People of Moderate Means 855-741-6930 The Washington State Bar Association operates the Moderate Means program, offering affordable legal assistance to individuals who are unable to afford full-priced services. This program covers various civil legal matters, such as family law, housing, and benefits. Additionally, the association can provide recommendations for pro bono resources.
Washington Northwest Region Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program 888-562-6028 The Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program supports the rights of seniors residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It offers assistance to residents and their families in addressing concerns related to the quality of care provided, including instances of neglect or elder abuse.

Medicaid Resources

Understanding Medicaid can be challenging, especially for seniors. Numerous resources in Washington offer guidance on Medicaid choices, waiver schemes, and eligibility requirements, ensuring older adults secure appropriate health care benefits.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Community Options Program Entry System Waiver The Community Options Program Entry System (COPES) is the primary waiver in the state for home- and community-based services. It offers self-directed residential care and agency-based services, which are overseen by a professional care manager.

Senior Centers

In Washington, senior centers serve as a hub for older adults, providing recreational activities, events, and valuable resources. These centers also offer wellness programs, nutritional guidance, and assistance with senior-related concerns.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington State Association of Senior Centers (WSASC) 253-288-7442 WSASC provides seniors with the necessary resources to maintain their health and independence at any care level. Through state senior centers, services such as caregiver training, information services, social events, and case manager assistance are offered to connect seniors with programs and support networks. All individuals aged 60 and above are welcome to participate in WSASC activities, with a nominal annual fee for full membership in Washington.

Senior Engagement

In Washington, a variety of programs and resources are available for seniors to stay engaged and active. These include wellness initiatives, volunteering options, and support networks, all aimed at fostering community involvement and enhancing life quality.

Program Name Phone Number Description
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Washington (OLLI-UW) 206-685-6549 The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Washington offers a stimulating environment for adults aged 50 and above to pursue their intellectual interests. With an annual membership fee of $40, seniors can enjoy a range of courses, special events, lunchtime talks, and study groups. Some programs are held on campus, while others are hosted at various community locations in the Puget Sound region. Additional fees may apply for formal courses.
Washington Dementia Action Collaborative (DAC) 360-725-2300 DAC provides a wide range of complimentary resources for seniors with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, as well as their families. Statewide, they offer care planning, caregiver training, and referrals, along with awareness training and workshops for memory care providers. Additionally, DAC offers a free online Dementia Road Map tool, helping seniors and families gain a better understanding of memory impairment.

Social Security Offices

In Washington, Social Security offices provide essential services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. They offer guidance on retirement benefits, disability allowances, and Supplemental Security Income.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Social Security Social Security provides income for retirees and individuals unable to work due to disability. Funding is derived from payroll taxes paid by employers, employees, and self-employed individuals. Upon retirement, monthly payments are determined by previous earnings.

Tax Assistance

Numerous tax aid resources are available in Washington for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. These include potential exemptions on medical costs, property tax reductions, and other tax relief initiatives.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Property Tax Exemptions 360-534-1400 The Washington State Department of Revenue provides a property tax exemption and deferment program for seniors and disabled adults. This program can lower your school taxes and freeze your property’s assessed value from the first year of eligibility.

Utility & Energy Bill Assistance

Organizations are available to aid low-income seniors in {} struggling with home maintenance costs, including utility and energy bills. Emergency funding may also be accessible for those at risk of utility service termination due to unpaid bills.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington Energy Assistance Program (EAP) 360-725-2857 LIHEAP is a program that offers assistance to low-income individuals in Washington. It provides grants for utility payments, energy-efficient home improvements, and repairs/replacements of heating systems and air conditioners. Eligibility is based on income, utility costs, household size, and recent grant history. Applicants must provide necessary documentation. Interested residents can apply through their county’s LIHEAP provider.
Washington Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) Eligible households for LIHEAP can also receive assistance with their water bills. Payments are sent directly to the utility provider to prevent disconnection or restore water and sewer services.

Veteran’s Services

Veteran services in Washington offer invaluable assistance to retired military personnel. These local entities guide veterans in utilizing their rightful benefits and provide counsel on diverse matters.

Program Name Phone Number Description
Washington VA Benefits and Health Care The Washington VA Benefits and Health Care program provides comprehensive medical care, mental health services, and specialized treatments to veterans and their dependents. Seniors who served in the armed forces can access VA medical centers and clinics for their healthcare needs. The program also assists seniors in accessing various VA benefits, including retirement pensions, Aid and Attendance payments, disability compensation, property tax exemptions, housing assistance, prescription drugs, and medical devices.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Washington State

Washington State’s Department of Health and Human Services oversees the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration. This administration oversees all the regulations that are associated with the state’s long-term care services. The Residential Care Services division regulates licensing and certification, and it provides oversight for nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family homes, supported living, and enhanced services facilities.

Assisted Living Admission Requirements

Facilities in Washington state may admit and retain residents only if:

  • They can provide services to the resident that are outlined in the facility’s disclosure information.
  • There is no need for frequent evaluation by a registered nurse outside of hospice care residents or those with a short-term illness that is expected to be resolved within a 14 day period
  • The individual is able to walk on their own unless the facility is licensed for partially ambulatory or non-ambulatory residents by the Washington State director of fire protection

The facility must conduct a pre-admission assessment which includes specified medical information before the resident is admitted. In the event that the information is unavailable, it must be completed within 14 days of the resident’s move-in date.

Assisted Living Scope of Care

The assisted living facility must provide care for the resident that is consistent with their needs as outlined in the assessment of care. This can range from medication to dietary requirements and beyond. Facilities are required to disclose to potential residents or interested parties the standard and scope of the care provided. These should include:

  • Laundry and housekeeping
  • Access to medical services and or coordination of transport to and from medical facilities and appointments
  • Help with medication administration and various levels of assistance up to and including nursing care, must be are available within the assisted living facility
  • Food, diet, and exercise options
  • Pet and smoking policies
  • Access to safe and secure outdoor spaces
  • Nursing services that help with medication and personal care
  • Cost and payment information, including Medicaid payments policies and all ancillary charges

Assisted Living Medicaid Policy

Washington is one of the few states where Medicaid directly covers the cost of assisted living facilities for eligible seniors. Certain facilities are directly contracted by Apple Health to provide care to older adults who qualify. These facilities provide levels of care that fall into one of three categories:

  • Adult Residential Care (ARC) provides moderate everyday care and medication reminders for residents that can take medications on their own.
  • Enhanced Adult Residential Care (EARC) facilities offer the same services as ARC facilities, while providing some additional nursing and help for patients unable to take medications on their own.
  • Enhanced Adult Residential Care Dementia Care provides all the care of EARC with additional nursing, supervision, 24-hour awake staff, and specialized staff training to care for older adults with dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Assisted Living Facility Requirements

Washington state has specific square footage requirements for all assisted living facilities. The requirements also differ depending on whether payments are being made with personal finances or if the resident receives Medicaid. The age of the building may also impact facility requirements.

  • Rooms must be a minimum of 80 sq ft for single occupancy room, and 70 sq ft per resident in multiple occupancy rooms.
  • Assisted living facilities who have contracts with the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA) must meet all room requirements to meet and maintain licensure.
  • Facilities licensed before July 1st, 1989 are allowed up to four residents per unit, and those licensed after that date have a maximum capacity of two residents per room. Facilities under contract with DSHS and ALTSA are prohibited from having more than one resident in a unit unless specifically requested by the resident.
  • At a minimum, facilities are required to have common use bathrooms. A private bathroom is required for all residents under DSHS/ALTSA contracts

Medication Management Regulations

Medication assistance must be provided by all assisted living facilities. This may come in the form of helping to open bottles, handing off medications, reminders, or coaching to take medications. These actions may be performed by staff that are not medical professionals. Residents that are unable to physically administer their own medications may, if able, direct others in the proper way to administer medications to them.

Medication administration services may be provided by the assisted living facility in the form of licensed nurses or nurse delegation. A facility may alter the manner in which a medication is administered in some situations. The facility must ensure that residents only have access to their own medications. Capable residents may store their own medications and do have the right to refuse medications at any time.

Staffing Requirements

The administrator of the assisted living facility must be at least 21 years of age and is responsible for the performance of the facility 24 hours a day. They must also possess the education, training, and experience as outlined in the Assisted Living Facilities Regulations.

Staff Training Requirements

In addition to the specific requirements for administrators of assisted living facilities, there are also requirements for all other staff members. Before regular interaction with residents, staff members must complete an orientation and safety program. A basic safety class is also required, with demonstrated competence in the material and the procedures that are covered.

DSHS/ALTSA provides the only approved training materials and staff must have completed the materials within 120 days of being hired. Until all courses are completed satisfactorily, staff may not provide hands-on personal care to residents without supervision. When a resident with special needs is admitted to a facility, all staff must complete specialty training with the specifics of how to care for that particular resident.

Background Checks for Assisted Living

All staff hired after January of 2012, must have not only a state background check, but also a federal fingerprint-based background check.

Requirements for Reporting Abuse

All staff at assisted living facilities in Washington state are designated as mandatory reporters, and they are required by state law to report suspected abuse in the form of physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial abuse, neglect or abandonment. If the reporter thinks that the resident is in immediate danger, the first call should always be to 911.

The state has two methods of reporting elder abuse. The first is through the Conflict Resolution Hotline of the DHSH that can be reached at (800) 562-6078. This hotline is targeted at the elderly who live in any form of residential care home and may be used by the residents themselves. When reporting, the caller does not need to present proof of abuse. However, if they are an employee of the facility, they are required to complete a Residential Care Online Report. The second is by contacting the local adult protective services branch for your county either online or via phone. To find the phone number for your local branch, go to DHS’ website.

Residents who wish to file a complaint against a facility may do so by calling the office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman at (800) 562-6028 or (800) 737-7931 for those that are hard of hearing. These numbers along with the physical address of the ombudsman office should be located in an area that is easily accessible to residents, along with the toll-free complaint number of the facility.

Washington COVID-19 Rules for Assisted Living Facilities

Note: The following information was compiled and most recently updated on 2/15/22. Since COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving crisis, be sure to contact your assisted living facility or local Area Agency on Aging for the most up-to-date information.

COVID-19 Rules in Washington
Are loved ones allowed to visit residents in their assisted living community? Yes (Conditions Apply)
Are residents required to quarantine after their loved ones visit? No
Are loved ones required to wear masks when visiting residents? Yes
Are Hairdressers and other non-medical contractors allowed in assisted living communities? Yes
Are visitors screened for elevated temperatures before entering the assisted living community? Yes
Are residents allowed to leave the assisted living community for non-medical reasons? Yes
Are residents who leave required to quarantine when they get back to the assisted living community? No (Conditions Apply)
Are assisted living communities required to cancel all group outings? No
Are assisted living communities allowed to host group activities within the community? Yes (Conditions Apply)
Are staff members regularly checked for elevated temperatures? Yes
Are staff members regularly tested for COVID-19? Yes (Conditions Apply)
Are residents regularly screened for COVID-19 symptoms? Yes
Are residents regularly checked for elevated temperatures? Yes
Are residents regularly tested for COVID-19? Yes (Conditions Apply)



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