Though fairly large in area, North Dakota is the fourth least populous state in the country. Despite its small population size, the state has plenty to offer the approximately 113,000 residents who are age 65 and over, such as low income tax rates and below average healthcare costs. Read on for more information about assisted living in the Peace Garden State.
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How to Pay for Assisted Living in North Dakota
Determining how to finance assisted living often starts with the question, “What’s the cost?” In today’s economy, where inflation plays a significant role, having current data is crucial for senior living financial planning. has gathered cost information from its expansive network of over 75,000 senior living providers. This data offers a glimpse into the average expenses for assisted living in North Dakota and 2 additional cities within North Dakota.
How Inflation Has Impacted the Cost of Assisted Living in North Dakota
In North Dakota, inflation saw the monthly cost of assisted living increase 14% from $3,047 to $3,472 between 2022 and 2023. This incline is steeper than the national average, which rose 10% in the same period. In South Dakota, costs fell by 2% from $4,514 to $4,443. Minnesota and Montana had small increases of 1% and 4% respectively, while Wyoming saw a drastic rise from $3,944 to $5,000.
2024 projections suggest prices will increase to $3,653 in North Dakota and $5,599 in Montana. As such, considering the impact of inflation when making plans for senior living is crucial.
Location | 2022 Cost (Historical) | 2023 Cost (Current) | 2024 Cost (Estimated) |
North Dakota | $3,047 | $3,472 | $3,653 |
U.S. Average | $4,070 | $4,459 | $4,802 |
South Dakota | $4,514 | $4,443 | $4,732 |
Minnesota | $4,399 | $4,433 | $4,314 |
Montana | $5,038 | $5,257 | $5,599 |
Wyoming | $3,944 | $5,000 | $5,325 |
Assisted Living Costs in North Dakota's Top Cities
Assisted living costs in and around North Dakota are relatively consistent and sit below the U.S. average. For example, seniors pay $3,435 per month in Bismarck and $3,483 in Minot. Prices are lower south of the border in Aberdeen, SD, at $2,795, but higher to the east in Saint Cloud, MD, where the average monthly cost is $3,608. With careful research and planning, older adults can find a senior living community to suit any budget.
The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living
The level of care available at a senior living facility influences the price. For self-sufficient older adults seeking to enjoy the amenities and camaraderie of a community, independent living in North Dakota costs $2,873 per month. Individuals with memory-related illnesses may require specialty services at a memory care facility, which has a higher average monthly price of $5,899. For seniors who need help with daily tasks but are mostly independent, assisted living costs $3,472.
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in North Dakota
Basic Care Assistance Program
The Basic Care Assistance Program (BCAP) is a state-funded program that helps seniors who need services in a basic care facility pay for their care. The amount of assistance one receives varies based on their income. The program pays the facility directly to cover the recipient’s health and medical costs.
Who Is Eligible?
To qualify for BCAP, applicants must also qualify for Medicaid. Applicants will undergo a functional assessment with a social worker to determine if they qualify for a basic care facility level of care.
How to Apply
To apply, contact your County Social Service Office. They can answer any questions you have regarding the Application for Assistance.
Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community Based Services
North Dakota’s Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community Based Services, commonly referred to as the HCBS waiver, intends to help seniors access their preferred method of care, rather than being placed in a nursing home. The waiver covers many senior services, including residential care in a basic care facility for seniors who meet the eligibility requirements. The payment amount varies – some recipients will have their services covered in full by the waiver program, while others will still need to pay for a portion of the services.
Who Is Eligible?
To qualify for the HCBS waiver, seniors must already be a Medicaid recipient (and thus meet Medicaid income and eligibility requirements), require a nursing facility level of care, and be at least 65 years of age. Eligible seniors must also currently live in their own home or apartment and be capable of directing their own care.
How to Apply
Interested seniors can get more information about program scope, eligibility, and the application process by contacting their County Social Service Office. There may be a waiting list for the waiver program.
More Ways to Finance Assisted Living
Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:
- Veterans Benefits: Veterans can take advantage of several different pension programs to help cover the cost of assisted living. For more information, see the article on
- Life Insurance Policies: Even if a spouse or loved one hasn’t died, certain types of life insurance policies can be used to pay for assisted living. More information is available at
- Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance policy that pays for long-term care when it becomes necessary, including the cost of assisted living. For more information on the benefits and drawbacks of this financing method, visit
- Reverse Mortgages: Reverse mortgages allow seniors to access the equity from a home that they own, and these funds can be used to pay for assisted living. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a federally insured reverse mortgage program.
Free Assisted Living Resources in North Dakota
In North Dakota, a multitude of resources are available to support seniors during their retirement years. has gathered data on various local entities, initiatives, and agencies, and organized them according to the type of care they provide for effortless navigation.
Area Agency on Aging
Your local Area Agency on Aging is a valuable resource for retirees, offering guidance on financial aid, in-home care, and long-term care planning. They also link seniors and caregivers to community resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services | 855-462-5465 | The North Dakota Health and Human Services oversees the Area Agencies on Aging, which provide tailored support to seniors after assessing their unique needs. These services aim to enable seniors to age in place rather than transitioning to long-term care facilities. Examples of assistance include funding for in-home services, family home care, and adult foster care. Additional practical help includes homemaker services like chores, shopping, meal preparation, and money management. |
Cash Assistance Programs
In North Dakota, financial aid programs are available to support low-income seniors in maintaining their home-based living. These programs offer tax relief, essential service discounts, and assistance with home heating and cooling expenses.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Lifeline Program | 800-234-9473 | The LifeLine Program provides discounted telephone service, allowing participants to maintain communication with their loved ones via landline or mobile phones. |
Financial Assistance for Senior Care and Senior Living
Seniors in North Dakota, whether residing independently or in a senior living facility, have access to various local financial aid options. These entities assist in offsetting certain in-home or long-term care expenses and link them to beneficial community resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community Based Services | 855-462-5465 | The Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community Based Services enables older adults and individuals with disabilities to maintain their independence by accessing local community services. This program offers a variety of services such as personal care, transportation, chore assistance, respite care, and minor home modifications. Services can be received at home, adult daycare, adult foster care, or memory care facilities. |
Food Assistance Programs
In North Dakota, various local initiatives are dedicated to promoting senior health through balanced nutrition. They offer services like meal delivery, communal dining, and food banks, ensuring elderly residents have access to affordable, nutritious food.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) | The North Dakota Community Supplemental Food Program aims to enhance the well-being of seniors by providing USDA-approved supplementary food packages. These packages are designed to meet the nutritional requirements of older adults. Eligible low-income residents aged 60 and above can apply for these packages through designated community action agencies. Location details can be found online. | |
North Dakota Meals on Wheels | North Dakota Meals on Wheels offers nutritious meals and support services to eligible seniors statewide. The program caters to individuals aged 60 and above who may have difficulty preparing or shopping for food. Meals are provided on a sliding-scale basis, either in a congregate setting at local senior centers or delivered directly to the senior’s home, along with a safety check. | |
North Dakota The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) | The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) in North Dakota is a federal initiative that addresses food insecurity and nutritional deficiencies among older adults. Eligible seniors aged 60 and above with limited financial resources can receive emergency food packages and attend communal meals at no cost. TEFAP collaborates with local agencies like the Great Plains Food Bank to distribute food to pantries across the state. Seniors can contact TEFAP or their local seniors’ agency for more information. |
Free Used Medical Equipment
In North Dakota, numerous groups are addressing the steep expense of new medical equipment. They gather gently used items like wheelchairs, ramps, and walkers, providing them to local seniors and individuals in need.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Healthcare Equipment Recycling Organization (HERO) | 701-212-1921 | This program, located in Fargo, offers donated durable medical equipment to individuals in need both locally and globally. Additionally, they operate a shopfront where affordable medical equipment and supplies are available for purchase by anyone. |
Home Repair and Modifications
In North Dakota, numerous programs are available to aid seniors and individuals with disabilities in financing home modifications and repairs. These programs, offering grants or loans, have diverse eligibility requirements specifically designed for retirees.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Rehab Accessibility Project | 800-292-8621 | The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency, located in Bismarck, ND, offers various programs to support homeowners, renters, and homeless individuals. The Rehab Accessibility Program provides financial aid to low-income individuals with physical disabilities. Grants are available for home renovations, including the installation of accessibility features like grab rails, ramps, and wheelchair-accessible showers. Doorways can also be widened and door levers installed. Eligibility requires a household income below 80% of the county’s median income. |
Home Repair and Modifications
In North Dakota, numerous programs are available to aid seniors and individuals with disabilities in financing home modifications and repairs. These programs, offering grants or loans, have diverse eligibility requirements specifically designed for retirees.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Rehab Accessibility Project | 800-292-8621 | The North Dakota Housing Finance Agency, located in Bismarck, ND, offers various programs to support homeowners, renters, and homeless individuals. The Rehab Accessibility Program provides financial aid to low-income individuals with physical disabilities. Grants are available for home renovations, including the installation of accessibility features like grab rails, ramps, and wheelchair-accessible showers. Doorways can also be widened and door levers installed. Eligibility requires a household income below 80% of the county’s median income. |
Social Security Offices
In North Dakota, Social Security offices provide essential services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. They offer guidance on retirement benefits, disability allowances, and Supplemental Security Income.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Social Security | Social Security provides income for retirees and individuals unable to work due to disability. Funding is derived from payroll taxes paid by employers, employees, and self-employed individuals. Upon retirement, monthly payments are determined by previous earnings. |
Tax Assistance
Numerous tax aid resources are available in North Dakota for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. These include potential exemptions on medical costs, property tax reductions, and other tax relief initiatives.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Homestead Property Tax Credit | The Homestead Property Tax Credit lowers the taxable value of a home, with the credit amount varying based on the homeowner’s income. | |
North Dakota Renter’s Refund | 701-328-7088 | The Renter’s Refund offers a partial refund for residential rent or mobile home lot fees. It refunds any overpayment if 20% of your rent exceeds 4% of your annual income. The maximum refund amount is $400. |
Utility & Energy Bill Assistance
Organizations are available to aid low-income seniors in {} struggling with home maintenance costs, including utility and energy bills. Emergency funding may also be accessible for those at risk of utility service termination due to unpaid bills.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | 866-614-6005 | LIHEAP provides financial assistance for home heating costs, such as natural gas, electricity, coal, and other fuel sources. Additionally, it offers support for weatherization, furnace cleaning and repair, chimney cleaning, and emergency assistance. |
Veteran’s Services
Veteran services in North Dakota offer invaluable assistance to retired military personnel. These local entities guide veterans in utilizing their rightful benefits and provide counsel on diverse matters.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
North Dakota VA Benefits and Health Care | North Dakota VA Benefits and Health Care provides seniors with access to long-term care and a range of medical services across the state. Eligible veterans can receive treatment and nursing home care at clinics and veteran’s centers in North Dakota, as well as access financial benefits like Aid and Attendance. Generally, individuals must serve 24 months of active duty to qualify for these benefits, although exceptions are made for those discharged due to disability or hardship. |
Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in North Dakota
Assisted Living Definition
There are two types of non-nursing care residential facilities for seniors in North Dakota: assisted living facilities and basic care facilities.
- A basic care facility is a facility that provides five or more residents with room and board, health and personal care services, and social programs. Basic care facilities in North Dakota are actually more in line with typical assisted living facilities. Monthly costs are all inclusive for room, board, and services.
- An assisted living facility in North Dakota is a building with at least five living units housing five or more adults. The facilities must offer support services to help residents remain as independent as possible. These ALFs just charge residents rent, and then residents can choose to pay for the services that they want or need.
Assisted Living Care Plans
Residents of basic care facilities must be assessed within 14 days of moving into the facility and at least once per quarter thereafter. Assessment areas include functional and psychosocial abilities, nutrition and health status, personal care needs, social interests and activities, and self-preservation. The assessment is used in conjunction with resident input to develop a care plan.
Because residents of assisted living facilities choose what services they would like to access, there is no care planning for residents of these facilities. However, ALFs must keep a record of individual services provided to each resident.
Assisted Living Admission Requirements
In order to be admitted to a basic care facility, residents must be capable of self-preservation and must not have a condition that requires around-the-clock, on-site availability of nursing or medical care.
Beyond those requirements, it is up to each basic care facility to develop their own admission requirements. Assisted living facilities have no state-mandated admission requirements.
Assisted Living Scope of Care
Basic care facilities provide personal care services including assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing and dressing, housekeeping and laundry services, and medication assistance. They also provide social and recreational activities and can arrange transportation for residents. Nursing services must be available to residents if needed.
Assisted living facilities must provide support services to residents as needed, including assistance with ADLs. Some facilities may also provide health services. In ALFs in North Dakota, residents choose which services they would like to use. So, one could hypothetically live completely independently in an assisted living facility, while other residents could receive ADL assistance and some medical care.
Assisted Living Medicaid Policy
Residents of basic care facilities can use Medicaid to help fund their care, including the HCBS waiver. However, these programs cannot be used to help cover the cost of an assisted living facility.
Assisted Living Facility Requirements
Resident rooms in basic care facilities may be single-occupancy or multiple-occupancy. There must be at least one toilet and sink for every four residents and one shower or bath for every fifteen residents.
Apartment style units are also not required in assisted living facilities. In ALFs, resident units must include a sleeping area, a lockable entry door, and a private bathroom including a shower. Units may be single or double occupancy.
Medication Management Regulations
In both basic care facilities and assisted living facilities, all staff, including unlicensed staff, can assist with medication. Assistance includes tasks like retrieving the medication for a resident or getting them water to take pills.
Staff licensed by the state Department of Health as a Medical Assistant level 1, 2, or 3, may administer medication when supervised by a registered nurse. But, only staff members with a Medical Assistant level 3 certification may administer medication by injection.
Additionally, basic care facilities must have a health professional or pharmacist review each resident’s medication plan at least once per year.
Staffing Requirements
Basic care facilities must employ an administrator to handle managerial tasks and a licensed nurse to oversee medical care, including medication administration. Other staff members can provide personal care services to residents.
Assisted living facilities must employ a manager and direct care staff. If the facility provides medication assistance, they must also employ a registered nurse to administer medication or supervise medication assistants.
There are no state requirements for staff ratios in either facility. But, both facilities are required to have staff awake and available to assist residents 24 hours a day.
Staff Training Requirements
All employees of both basic care facilities and assisted living facilities must receive training in the following areas:
- Fire and accident prevention and safety
- Handling residents’ mental and physical health needs, including behavioral problems
- Infection prevention and control
- Residents’ rights
Additionally, staff responsible for social activities must attend at least two activity-related programs per year, and administrators/managers must attend at least 12 hours of continuing education courses per year.
Background Checks for Assisted Living
Basic care facilities must check state registries and licensure boards for any cases of inappropriate conduct, disciplinary actions, or termination prior to hiring any staff members.
There are no background check requirements for employees of assisted living facilities, but individual facilities may have their own processes for screening employees.
Requirements for Reporting Abuse
Reports of elder abuse or neglect in any type of residential facility should be reported to Vulnerable Adult Protective Services as soon as possible. Reports can be filed either online or using a paper form.
Any concerns about facilities violating state regulations or otherwise endangering residents should be reported to the Department of Health Division of Life Safety and Code and Construction. The division focuses on ensuring a safe environment for adults living in any institutional setting.
North Dakota COVID-19 Rules for Assisted Living Facilities
Note: The following information was compiled and most recently updated on 2/13/22. Since COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving crisis, be sure to contact your assisted living facility or local Area Agency on Aging for the most up-to-date information.
COVID-19 Rules in North Dakota | |
Are loved ones allowed to visit residents in their assisted living community? | Yes |
Are residents required to quarantine after their loved ones visit? | No |
Are loved ones required to wear masks when visiting residents? | Yes |
Are Hairdressers and other non-medical contractors allowed in assisted living communities? | Yes |
Are visitors screened for elevated temperatures before entering the assisted living community? | Yes |
Are residents allowed to leave the assisted living community for non-medical reasons? | Yes |
Are residents who leave required to quarantine when they get back to the assisted living community? | No (Conditions Apply) |
Are assisted living communities required to cancel all group outings? | No |
Are assisted living communities allowed to host group activities within the community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are staff members regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are staff members regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents regularly screened for COVID-19 symptoms? | Yes |
Are residents regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are residents regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
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We’ve compiled a list of the best assisted living facilities in each the cities featured below using our unique methodology. View images, base pricing, room types, and more information about these communities by clicking on the links below.