Rhode Island is the smallest state in the U.S., making it easy to reside in one of the quaint seaside towns while staying close to Providence, the major metropolitan area, or vice versa. The state is also near the Northeastern hubs like New York City or Boston. These reasons, among others, explain why Rhode Island is a destination for a growing elderly population. More than 217,000 residents are aged 60 or older, which is approximately 20% of the state’s population. That number is expected to jump 75% to more than 264,000 by 2040.
Directory of Assisted Living Facilities in Rhode Island
If you are considering assisted living options in Rhode Island, it is important to carefully research potential facilities and determine which amenities are important to you. Our comprehensive directory of assisted living facilities in this state is a great way to start that process. Locate information about amenities, size of the facility, pricing, health insurance, and more using the tool below.
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How to Pay for Assisted Living in Rhode Island
Determining how to finance assisted living often starts with the question, “What’s the cost?” In today’s economy, where inflation plays a significant role, having current data is crucial for senior living financial planning. AssistedLiving.org has gathered cost information from its expansive network of over 75,000 senior living providers. This data offers a glimpse into the average expenses for assisted living in Rhode Island and 13 additional cities within Rhode Island.
How Inflation Has Impacted the Cost of Assisted Living in Rhode Island
Between 2022 and 2023, inflation had a modest impact on the monthly cost of assisted living in Rhode Island, which rose 6% from $4,706 to $4,997. That’s less than the 10% average increase seen across the United States. New York and Connecticut’s prices spiked 15% and 16% respectively over the same period.
Looking ahead to 2024, monthly rates in Rhode Island are forecast to rise 1.5%. Assisted living residents in Massachusetts can expect a sharper increase of 14%, while rates jump 10% in New Hampshire. The financial markets’ unpredictability means careful research is an essential part of senior living planning.
Location | 2022 Cost (Historical) | 2023 Cost (Current) | 2024 Cost (Estimated) |
Rhode Island | $4,706 | $4,997 | $5,065 |
U.S. Average | $4,070 | $4,459 | $4,802 |
Massachusetts | $5,202 | $5,599 | $6,393 |
Connecticut | $5,122 | $5,919 | $6,129 |
New Hampshire | $5,191 | $6,217 | $6,827 |
New York | $4,091 | $4,699 | $5,431 |
Assisted Living Costs in Rhode Island's Top Cities
The cost of assisted living in Rhode Island varies based on the specific area. One of the most affordable locales is Providence, where the average monthly price is $3,648. At the other end of the spectrum is Warwick, where assisted living costs $5,864 on average. In Coventry and Portsmouth, seniors can expect to pay $4,758, which is slightly under the state average.
The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living
It’s important to find a senior living option in Rhode Island that meets an individual’s needs and is within budget. Memory care is $7,307 per month, almost double the cost of amenities-only independent living at $4,205. Memory care is pricier because it provides specialized care and programming for seniors with memory-related illnesses. Assisted living is in the middle at $4,997, offering assistance with daily tasks where necessary and promoting independence where possible.
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Rhode Island
Rhode Island Long-Term Care Services
hode Island Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) is the division of Rhode Island’s Medicaid program that services elderly and disabled applicants. It supports various forms of long-term care, including care-related services for assisted living.
Who Is Eligible?
Applicants must meet both financial and clinical “level of care” requirements to qualify for Medicaid Long-Term Care. Per individual, financial resources including cash, savings, and assets must be less than $4,000. People with resources higher than that may need to contribute to the cost of their care.
How to Apply
To get more details about eligibility requirements and start an application, fill out the Medicaid LTSS form or call (401) 462-4444 for assistance.
SSI Enhanced Assisted Living Program
Rhode Island offers an SSI Enhanced Assisted Living Program. This program provides financial assistance to people who are eligible for supplemental social security income (SSI) and have been professionally assessed and determined to require a level of care consistent with what is provided in assisted living facilities.
Who is Eligible?
To qualify for SSI, an individual must:
- Be older than 65 years of age
- Not require a nursing home level of care
- Have a gross income of less than $1,212 per month
- Have less than $2,000 in countable assets
- Have either no life insurance policy or a policy that is worth less than $1,500 at face value
How to Apply?
If you are already a recipient of SSI, apply for the SSI Enhanced Assisted Living Program by calling (401) 462-4444 or download the required forms online.
More Ways to Finance Assisted Living
Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:
- Veterans Benefits: Veterans can take advantage of several different pension programs to help cover the cost of assisted living. For more information, see the article on benefits.va.gov.
- Life Insurance Policies: Even if a spouse or loved one hasn’t died, certain types of life insurance policies can be used to pay for assisted living. More information is available at longtermcare.acl.gov
- Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance policy that pays for long-term care when it becomes necessary, including the cost of assisted living. For more information on the benefits and drawbacks of this financing method, visit longtermcare.acl.gov.
- Reverse Mortgages: Reverse mortgages allow seniors to access the equity from a home that they own, and these funds can be used to pay for assisted living. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a federally insured reverse mortgage program.
Free Assisted Living Resources in Rhode Island
In Rhode Island, a multitude of resources are available to support seniors during their retirement years. AssistedLiving.org has gathered data on various local entities, initiatives, and agencies, and organized them according to the type of care they provide for effortless navigation.
Area Agency on Aging
Your local Area Agency on Aging is a valuable resource for retirees, offering guidance on financial aid, in-home care, and long-term care planning. They also link seniors and caregivers to community resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Point: My Options Rhode Island ADRC | 401-444-0600 | This resource offers a variety of services for older adults in Rhode Island. Individuals aged 55 and above, as well as those with disabilities, can receive round-the-clock phone support from trained counselors. The Point ADRC also provides interpreters in over 100 languages. Referrals are available for family members concerned about memory or cognitive symptoms. Additional services include Medicare assistance, caregiver support, long-term care help, and nutrition, energy, and healthcare assistance. |
Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging | 401-462-3000 | The Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging is dedicated to supporting the well-being of all Rhode Islanders as they age. They provide a range of services for seniors aged 55 and older, including housing assistance, at-home care, meal delivery, transportation, and respite care. Additionally, they offer legal aid, prescription drug cost assistance, chronic disease management, and free health insurance counseling. |
Cash Assistance Programs
In Rhode Island, financial aid programs are available to support low-income seniors in maintaining their home-based living. These programs offer tax relief, essential service discounts, and assistance with home heating and cooling expenses.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Lifeline Program | 800-234-9473 | The LifeLine Program provides discounted telephone service, allowing participants to maintain communication with their loved ones via landline or mobile phones. |
Financial Assistance for Senior Care and Senior Living
Seniors in Rhode Island, whether residing independently or in a senior living facility, have access to various local financial aid options. These entities assist in offsetting certain in-home or long-term care expenses and link them to beneficial community resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Nursing Home Transition Program | 401-462-6393 | The NHTP, a program by the Health and Human Services Department, supports nursing home residents transitioning to their homes or community-based settings like memory care programs and assisted living. |
Financial Assistance for Senior Living
Financial aid is available for low-income seniors in Rhode Island living communities through local programs. These resources provide valuable assistance, helping older adults afford long-term care services.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
LeadingAge Rhode Island (LARI) | 401-490-7612 | LeadingAge Rhode Island is a non-profit organization comprising aging services providers, such as nursing homes, day health service providers, and senior housing providers. Our mission is to connect seniors with service providers and provide information and advocacy services to enhance their quality of life as they age. |
Rhode Island Assisted Living Association | 401-435-8888 | RIALA is a nonprofit membership organization primarily consisting of professionals in the assisted living sector. The website serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking information on assisted living, including its functioning, payment methods, and facilities that accept public funding. It is also beneficial for those interested in gaining knowledge about assisted living. |
Food Assistance Programs
In Rhode Island, various local initiatives are dedicated to promoting senior health through balanced nutrition. They offer services like meal delivery, communal dining, and food banks, ensuring elderly residents have access to affordable, nutritious food.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Community Food Bank | 401-942-6325 | The Rhode Island Community Food Bank collaborates with 140855-697-4347 member agencies, aiding around 80,000 residents monthly. Individuals facing food insecurity, including seniors, can seek assistance from RICFB to locate nearby food distribution centers, apply for SNAP benefits, and access the federal Commodity Supplemental Food Program. Additionally, the organization offers a spice box program to ensure participants have a variety of flavoring options in their kitchen pantries. |
Rhode Island Meals on Wheels | 401-351-6700 | Meals on Wheels in Rhode Island is a comprehensive program that delivers nutritious meals to participants across the state. With daily weekday deliveries, each meal provides one-third of the recommended daily dietary intake. The program also offers a well-being check and aims to reduce isolation. Additional services include cafe programs and pet food delivery. |
Rhode Island Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) | 401-222-4700 | The Rhode Island Farmers Market Nutrition Program is a USDA-operated initiative that supports senior nutrition by providing seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables. Eligible Rhode Island adults over 60 receive food parcels twice a year, including locally sourced produce, honey, and herbs. Low-income seniors meeting specific household income criteria can sign up at various locations or online. Pickup locations are conveniently located throughout Rhode Island, with additional information available online. |
Rhode Island Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | 855-697-4347 | The Rhode Island Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program assists low-income seniors and families in accessing nutritious food. Eligibility is based on income, expenses, and resources. Recipients receive electronic benefits transfer cards, which function like debit cards. These cards can be used at supermarkets, grocery stores, farmers markets, and participating online retailers. They cannot be used for alcohol, tobacco, or prepared food items. |
Free Used Medical Equipment
In Rhode Island, numerous groups are addressing the steep expense of new medical equipment. They gather gently used items like wheelchairs, ramps, and walkers, providing them to local seniors and individuals in need.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan (ATEL) Program | 401-486-3325 | ATEL offers adaptive home telephone and wireless services for individuals with hearing impairments, speech disabilities, or neuromuscular conditions that hinder their use of regular telephones. |
Rhode Island Assistive Technology Access Partnership (ATAP) | 401-871-1145 | ATAP is a statewide organization that supports various groups in offering assistive technology to residents. Through its device reuse program, individuals can gain access to durable medical equipment. |
Rhode Island Assistive Technology, Equipment & Home Modifications Program | 866-857-1161 | OSCIL is a resource that identifies assistive technology to support individuals in their daily lives. It also facilitates access to suitable devices through loan and reutilization programs. |
Rhode Island Robert J. Allen Medical Equipment Distribution Center | 401-738-1013 | The Robert J. Allen Medical Equipment Distribution Center in Warwick provides free secondhand medical equipment such as wheelchairs, commodes, lift chairs, and hospital beds. |
Home Repair and Modifications
In Rhode Island, numerous programs are available to aid seniors and individuals with disabilities in financing home modifications and repairs. These programs, offering grants or loans, have diverse eligibility requirements specifically designed for retirees.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Livable Homes Modification Grant Program | 401-737-1238 | RI Livable grants offer reimbursement for modifying residences, covering expenses like ramps, widened doorways, home monitoring systems, and backup electric generators for life-sustaining equipment. These grants aim to enhance accessibility and safety in existing homes. |
Rhode Island Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) | WAP helps homeowners save on heating bills by improving energy efficiency. Services offered include insulation installation, draft reduction, and ventilation improvement. Additionally, WAP provides smoke and carbon monoxide detector installation. |
Legal Resources
In Rhode Island, numerous agencies provide affordable or complimentary legal assistance to the elderly. They offer counsel on matters like estate management, living wills, and power of attorney. Some even serve as advocates for seniors’ rights in long-term care facilities.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island StateLong Term Care Ombudsman Program | 401-785-3340 | The Rhode Island Alliance for Better Long Term Care Ombudsman Program offers support to seniors in shared living environments like memory care facilities, assisted living communities, and nursing homes. Ombudsmen act as advocates, assisting seniors in preventing or addressing elder abuse and ensuring they receive appropriate care. They also represent senior interests to government agencies and raise awareness about important senior issues. |
Medicaid Resources
Understanding Medicaid can be challenging, especially for seniors. Numerous resources in Rhode Island offer guidance on Medicaid choices, waiver schemes, and eligibility requirements, ensuring older adults secure appropriate health care benefits.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
RIte @ Home | 401-462-5274 | The RIte@Home program offers shared living for seniors who require assistance. Participants are matched with a caregiver, who can be a familiar person like a relative or neighbor. Caregivers receive training, support, and a stipend for providing personal care, meals, transportation, and homemaker services. The program covers the caregiver’s stipend, but room and board expenses are not included. Depending on income, recipients may be responsible for a portion of the cost. |
Senior Centers
In Rhode Island, senior centers serve as a hub for older adults, providing recreational activities, events, and valuable resources. These centers also offer wellness programs, nutritional guidance, and assistance with senior-related concerns.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Disability Rights Rhode Island | 800-733-5332 | DRRI is an advocacy group that offers representation to disabled individuals across the state. While it doesn’t directly supply durable medical equipment, it assists in locating funding from public sources. Additionally, DRRI provides representation for those facing denials or delays in obtaining equipment from Medicare and Medicaid. |
Social Security Offices
In Rhode Island, Social Security offices provide essential services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. They offer guidance on retirement benefits, disability allowances, and Supplemental Security Income.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Social Security | Social Security provides income for retirees and individuals unable to work due to disability. Funding is derived from payroll taxes paid by employers, employees, and self-employed individuals. Upon retirement, monthly payments are determined by previous earnings. |
Tax Assistance
Numerous tax aid resources are available in Rhode Island for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. These include potential exemptions on medical costs, property tax reductions, and other tax relief initiatives.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Property Tax Relief Program | 401-574-8829 | Rhode Island offers property tax relief to senior citizens by providing a tax credit on personal income tax. The credit amount is determined by a percentage of the household income. |
Transportation Assistance
For seniors in Rhode Island struggling with private transportation, help is at hand. Community services are available to aid the elderly and disabled in their local travels, facilitating errands and appointments within the city.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services | 855-330-9131 | Rhode Island Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services, offered by Medical Transportation Management, Inc., offers complimentary transportation for non-emergency medical appointments. Eligible for seniors aged 60 and above without transportation options. Trips must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance, with same-day trips available for urgent medical needs. MTM office accepts phone requests on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Utility & Energy Bill Assistance
Organizations are available to aid low-income seniors in {catalog.city} struggling with home maintenance costs, including utility and energy bills. Emergency funding may also be accessible for those at risk of utility service termination due to unpaid bills.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) | 855-697-4347 | The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program in Rhode Island offers financial aid to seniors in need of assistance with heating bills. The program provides direct payments to energy and utility companies and can also help seniors facing heating emergencies. Eligibility is based on income, with seniors needing to make no more than 60% of the Rhode Island median income level. Applications are accepted from September to May. |
Rhode Island Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) | LIHWAP assists low-income households in maintaining access to drinking water and wastewater services. It provides one-time payments to utility companies for individuals with overdue bills, helping them avoid service termination. |
Veteran’s Services
Veteran services in Rhode Island offer invaluable assistance to retired military personnel. These local entities guide veterans in utilizing their rightful benefits and provide counsel on diverse matters.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Rhode Island VA Benefits and Health Care | The Rhode Island VA Benefits and Health Care program offers a variety of assistance to senior veterans. This includes long-term support, routine and specialized care at VA medical centers, and income support such as service-connected disability payments and retirement pensions. Veterans can access these services at offices and clinics in Providence, Warwick, and Middletown. |
Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Rhode Island
Assisted Living Service Plans
Prior to admission in an assisted living facility (ALF), a registered nurse (RN) must conduct a comprehensive assessment to evaluate each applicant’s health, physical, social, function, activity, and cognitive needs. This assessment is the basis for service planning and it must be updated annually or following any significant change in health status.
After admission, an RN must visit the residence at least once per month to:
- Monitor medication regimens and ensure an unlicensed staff member’s administration is in accordance with the state law
- Evaluate the health status of all residents, review any new physician orders, and monitor for symptoms of illness and/or changes in mental or physical health
- Make a recommendation for changes in care, if applicable
Residents are allowed to contract an outside agency to receive skilled nursing care or therapy from a licensed healthcare professional or hospice program.
Assisted Living Admission Requirements
Save for dementia care units, admission and residency in an assisted living communities in Rhode Island are dependent upon a person’s physical mobility, ability to make decisions, and ability to take appropriate action in emergency situations. ALFs are not permitted to accept people requiring skilled advanced medical or skilled nursing care. If a resident develops an illness that requires skilled nursing care for less than 21 days, they are allowed to stay. Residents under the care of a licensed hospice agency are permitted in ALFs.
Assisted Living Scope of Care
The scope of care provided by assisted living facilities in Rhode Island are as follows:
- Assistance with activities of daily living, including personal hygiene, preparing meals or transportation
- Medication administration by appropriately licensed staff, or helping with self-administration
- Providing support services and monitoring residents’ recreational, social and personal activities
- Certain health services, including simple wound care, urinary catheter care, and ulcer treatment and prevention
Residents also have the right to contract out to a third party to provide care services that fall outside the scope of care for an assisted living facility, as long as the third party abides by the rules and regulations that govern ALFs.
Assisted Living Medicaid Policy
Rhode Island’s Medicaid program is one of the few among the US that directly covers some of the costs of assisted living for eligible residents. However, it may not cover the cost of room and board.
Assisted Living Facility Requirements
Assisted living communities in Rhode Island may provide residences that are apartment-style or bedrooms which offer single or double occupancy. Single rooms must have a minimum square footage of 100 feet and be at least 8 feet wide, while double bedrooms must be a minimum of 160 square feet in area and at least 10 feet wide.
Both room types must have exclusive use of toilet rooms, closets, lockers, and wardrobes. There is a two-resident maximum per unit, and there must be at least one bath for every 10 residents and one toilet for every eight. Residents must have access to a lockbox where they can keep their personal belongings.
Medication Management Regulations
Assisted living facilities are individually licensed based on the type of medication services they are permitted to provide. For Level M1 ALFs, the most comprehensive of assisted living arrangements, licensed employees like RNs or practical nurses can administer oral or topical drugs and monitor health indicators. Injection medications, including but not limited to insulin, that cannot be self-administered must be administered by an RN.
In an M2 level residence, unlicensed staff can help residents with self-administration by giving them reminders and observing them while they do it.
Staffing Requirements
There is no minimum staff-to-resident ratio in Rhode Island assisted living facilities, but the ratio must be considered “sufficient” to provide the necessary level of care to maintain resident well-being.
A certified administrator must be present and responsible for the proper operation of the facilities, including overseeing employees who provide direct care services to residents. At least one employee who is trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be awake and at the facility at all times.
Staff Training Requirements
New employees hired must go through at least 2 hours of orientation and training in specific topics within 10 days of hire and before beginning to work alone in the facility. Any employee that has direct and regular interaction with residents and provides personal care must go through a minimum of 10 hours of orientation and training within a month of hire on additional topics, such as medical emergency procedures, basic knowledge of aging-related behaviors and personal assistance with medications.
Beyond initial training requirements, Rhode Island ALF employees must have ongoing in-service training as appropriate for their specific jobs, while Administrators must complete a minimum of 32 hours of continuing education every two years.
Background Checks for Assisted Living
Fingerprinting is not required, but within one week of employment, all ALF staff members must go through Rhode Island’s statewide criminal records check through either a local or state police department. An Administrator ultimately decides whether an employee is fit for continued employment.
Requirements for Reporting Abuse
To discuss or report abuse claims in assisted living facilities, you can call the Rhode Island Ombudsman at 401-785-3340 or 1-888-351-0808.
The Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs is responsible for investigating complaints against seniors in any setting. To file an abuse or neglect report with the DEA call the Protective Services Unit at 401-462-0555.
Rhode Island COVID-19 Rules for Assisted Living Facilities
Note: The following information was compiled and most recently updated on 2/13/22. Since COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving crisis, be sure to contact your assisted living facility or local Area Agency on Aging for the most up-to-date information.
COVID-19 Rules in Rhode Island | |
Are loved ones allowed to visit residents in their assisted living community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents required to quarantine after their loved ones visit? | No |
Are loved ones required to wear masks when visiting residents? | Yes |
Are Hairdressers and other non-medical contractors allowed in assisted living communities? | Yes |
Are visitors screened for elevated temperatures before entering the assisted living community? | Yes |
Are residents allowed to leave the assisted living community for non-medical reasons? | Yes |
Are residents who leave required to quarantine when they get back to the assisted living community? | No (Conditions Apply) |
Are assisted living communities required to cancel all group outings? | No |
Are assisted living communities allowed to host group activities within the community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are staff members regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are staff members regularly tested for COVID-19? | Not Available* |
Are residents regularly screened for COVID-19 symptoms? | Not Available* |
Are residents regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Not Available* |
Are residents regularly tested for COVID-19? | Not Available* |
Sources: health.ri.gov rules.sos.ri.gov
*Note: This information was not available for this state, contact your local area agency on aging or senior living facility for more information.
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We’ve compiled a list of the best assisted living facilities in each the cities featured below using our unique methodology. View images, base pricing, room types, and more information about these communities by clicking on the links below.