Trusted Communities spent dozens of hours researching the top assisted living communities in the Santa Rosa area to allow seniors and their families to find the community that’s right for them. Click through the facilities listed below to read in-depth reviews, what residents are saying, and details such as base pricing, room types, and more.

Featured Santa Rosa, CA Facilities
2375 Range Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 08812

- Assisted Living
- Independent Living
- Memory Care
- Day Services
Average of 57 reviews
Average of 30 reviews

3250 Chanate Road, Santa Rosa, CA 08813

- Assisted Living
- Memory Care
- Hospice
- Day Services
Average of 49 reviews

4225 Wayvern Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 08818

- Assisted Living
- Memory Care
- Day Services
- Respite
- Skilled Nursing
Average of 70 reviews

301 White Oak Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 08818

- Assisted Living
- Independent Living
- Hospice
- Day Services
- Respite
- Skilled Nursing
Average of 57 reviews

300 Fountaingrove Parkway, Santa Rosa, CA 08812

- Assisted Living
- Memory Care
- Skilled Nursing
Average of 67 reviews
5555 Montgomery Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 08818

- Assisted Living
- Independent Living
- Hospice
- Day Services
- Skilled Nursing
Average of 62 reviews

2564 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 08812

- Assisted Living
- Memory Care
- Hospice
Average of 14 reviews

1401 Fountaingrove Parkway, Santa Rosa, CA 08812

- Assisted Living
- Independent Living
Average of 26 reviews

4855 Snyder Ln., Rohnert Park, CA 94928

- Assisted Living
- Independent Living
- Hospice
Average of 78 reviews

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