Virginia is a great state in which to retire – especially for seniors who are on a fixed income. Social security income is exempt from state tax, and seniors 65 or older with other retirement income that’s less than $12,000 won’t have to pay state tax on it. Additionally, sales tax isn’t charged on prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication.
Directory of Assisted Living Facilities in Virginia
As you start your research for a quality assisted living facility in Virginia, knowing the types of services each facility provides and the financial help available to help pay for those care services, is important. The registry below can aid you in your research by providing details and information on more than 400 facilities in the state of Virginia.
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How to Pay for Assisted Living in Virginia
Determining how to finance assisted living often starts with the question, “What’s the cost?” In today’s economy, where inflation plays a significant role, having current data is crucial for senior living financial planning. has gathered cost information from its expansive network of over 75,000 senior living providers. This data offers a glimpse into the average expenses for assisted living in Virginia and 50 additional cities within Virginia.
How Inflation Has Impacted the Cost of Assisted Living in Virginia
In Virginia, assisted living prices decreased from 2022 to 2023 by 1%, to only $4,604 per month, beating the trend of rising costs caused by high inflation rates in the United States, which saw an average increase of 10%.
In stark contrast to Virginia, prices soared in neighboring states. Fees rose to a surprising $5,173 in West Virginia, and to $5,091 in Maryland. In Kentucky and North Carolina, the cost difference reached 14% and 18%, respectively. However, according to estimates, the average rate in Virginia is likely to increase to $5,013 in 2024, and to $5,183 for West Virginia residents.
Location | 2022 Cost (Historical) | 2023 Cost (Current) | 2024 Cost (Estimated) |
Virginia | $4,641 | $4,604 | $5,013 |
U.S. Average | $4,070 | $4,459 | $4,802 |
West Virginia | $4,198 | $5,173 | $5,183 |
Maryland | $4,613 | $5,091 | $5,153 |
Kentucky | $3,288 | $3,748 | $4,397 |
North Carolina | $4,088 | $4,828 | $4,803 |
Assisted Living Costs in Virginia's Top Cities
Since senior care costs can vary widely from city to city, it’s critical to evaluate different options to ensure that residents can afford it over the long term. Those in Arlington, a suburb of Washington, D.C., have to budget around $4,083 toward assisted living expenses, whereas their counterparts in Virginia Beach pay $4,159 per month. In Richmond, the state capital, locals face an estimated $4,534. Costs surge in the southern city of Norfolk, reaching $5,471.
The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living
Virginia residents can choose from several facility options based on their needs and financial resources. Assisted living offers personalized support with daily tasks, and is priced at $4,604 on average. Independent living typically provides a more self-sufficient lifestyle with fewer amenities, resulting in lower costs of around $3,194. Memory care, which specializes in dementia and Alzheimer’s care, requires a higher price tag of $5,667 to cover the cost of specially trained staff and customized programs.
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Virginia
Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Medicaid Waiver
Nursing home-eligible seniors in Virginia who prefer to live independently in an assisted living facility may be able to get financial help via the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) Medicaid waiver, which is a combination of the old Elderly or Disabled With Consumer Direction and Technology Assisted waivers. Currently, there is no waiting list for the CCC Plus waiver.
Who Is Eligible?
Residents interested in applying for the CCC Plus waiver need to meet the following qualifications:
- They must be age 65 or older.
- They must have a medical or nursing need.
- For single residents, monthly income not exceed $2,250 (in 2018), and countable assets must be worth $2,000 or less
- For married residents, monthly income must not exceed $3,375 (in 2018), and countable assets must be worth $3,000 or less.
A screening team consisting of a nurse from the Virginia Department of Health and a representative from the Department of Social Services will use the Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI) tool to determine if an applicant meets certain eligibility requirements.
How to Enroll
To enroll in the CCC Plus Medicaid waiver, you must contact your local Department of Family or Social Services office to schedule a screening.
More Ways to Finance Assisted Living
Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:
- Veterans Benefits: Veterans can take advantage of several different pension programs to help cover the cost of assisted living. For more information, see the article on
- Life Insurance Policies: Even if a spouse or loved one hasn’t died, certain types of life insurance policies can be used to pay for assisted living. More information is available at
- Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance policy that pays for long-term care when it becomes necessary, including the cost of assisted living. For more information on the benefits and drawbacks of this financing method, visit
- Reverse Mortgages: Reverse mortgages allow seniors to access the equity from a home that they own, and these funds can be used to pay for assisted living. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a federally insured reverse mortgage program.
Free Assisted Living Resources in Virginia
In Virginia, a multitude of resources are available to support seniors during their retirement years. has gathered data on various local entities, initiatives, and agencies, and organized them according to the type of care they provide for effortless navigation.
Area Agency on Aging
Your local Area Agency on Aging is a valuable resource for retirees, offering guidance on financial aid, in-home care, and long-term care planning. They also link seniors and caregivers to community resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Area Agencies on Aging | Virginia has 25 AAAs that offer seniors valuable information on state services and programs. These include Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME), care coordination, and telephone reassurance check-ins. Seniors can also benefit from residential repair and renovation programs, as well as local transportation services. Discover the range of options available to support seniors in Virginia through AAAs. |
Cash Assistance Programs
In Virginia, financial aid programs are available to support low-income seniors in maintaining their home-based living. These programs offer tax relief, essential service discounts, and assistance with home heating and cooling expenses.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Auxiliary Grants | 804-545-1644 | Seniors residing in assisted living or adult foster care can receive financial assistance through the Auxiliary Grant Program by the Virginia Department of Social Services. This aid helps maintain a basic standard of living. Eligible applicants must be at least 65 years old, Virginia residents for 90 days, and require assistance with 1-2 ADLs. For more information, seniors should reach out to their local Social Security office. |
Virginia Lifeline Program | 800-234-9473 | The LifeLine Program provides discounted telephone service, allowing participants to maintain communication with their loved ones via landline or mobile phones. |
Financial Assistance for Senior Care and Senior Living
Seniors in Virginia, whether residing independently or in a senior living facility, have access to various local financial aid options. These entities assist in offsetting certain in-home or long-term care expenses and link them to beneficial community resources.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Waiver | 844-374-9159 | Virginia’s Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Waiver offers long-term care and community-based supports for seniors, disabled adults, and individuals requiring nursing home or hospital-level care. This waiver has no waiting lists and allows beneficiaries to choose between self-directed care or agency-provided case management services. Private insurance companies administer the benefits, giving members the freedom to select their preferred plan. Covered services include adult day health care, assistive technology, accessibility modifications, emergency alert systems, and private-duty nursing. |
Food Assistance Programs
In Virginia, various local initiatives are dedicated to promoting senior health through balanced nutrition. They offer services like meal delivery, communal dining, and food banks, ensuring elderly residents have access to affordable, nutritious food.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) | 804-786-3520 | The Virginia Commodity Supplemental Food Program offers nutritious food to low-income seniors aged 60 and above. Eligibility requires an income at or below 130% of the federal poverty level. Qualified seniors receive food boxes containing essential staples like canned meats, fruits, vegetables, shelf-stable milk, cheese, cereal, beans, and pasta. |
Virginia Farm Market Fresh for Older Adults | 804-662-9333 | The Fresh for Older Adults program in Virginia provides $5 vouchers to eligible seniors aged 60 and above. Each senior receives 10 vouchers, which can be redeemed from June 1 to November 18 at approved roadside stands and farmers markets in the state. These vouchers can be used to purchase a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables. To qualify, applicants must meet specific income guidelines. |
Virginia Older Americans Congregate Nutrition Program | The Virginia Older Americans Congregate Nutrition Program provides nutritious meals to older adults in group settings, while the Home-Delivered Nutrition Program delivers meals to isolated and homebound individuals. Eligible adults aged 60 and older, especially those with low incomes and at risk of institutionalization, receive meals to reduce hunger, promote socialization, and enhance the health and well-being of Virginia’s aging population. | |
Virginia Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | 800-552-3431 | The Virginia Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program offers electronic benefit transfer cards to assist low-income seniors in purchasing nutritious food from local retailers. Funds are added automatically to the debit cards each month. To be eligible, household members must have a monthly net income below the poverty line. Seniors receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or Supplemental Security Income benefits may qualify automatically. |
Home Repair and Modifications
In Virginia, numerous programs are available to aid seniors and individuals with disabilities in financing home modifications and repairs. These programs, offering grants or loans, have diverse eligibility requirements specifically designed for retirees.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Emergency Home and Accessibility Repair Program | 804-371-7000 | EHARP offers emergency financial aid to address critical health or safety concerns that may hinder your ability to stay in your home. Eligible repairs include plumbing and electrical upgrades, as well as the construction or installation of wheelchair ramps. |
Virginia Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) | 804-371-7000 | WAP, supported by the state and federal government, offers financial assistance for energy-efficient home repairs and upgrades. These include insulation installation, air leak sealing, and HVAC equipment repairs. By improving homes, residents can also enjoy enhanced health and safety benefits. |
Legal Resources
In Virginia, numerous agencies provide affordable or complimentary legal assistance to the elderly. They offer counsel on matters like estate management, living wills, and power of attorney. Some even serve as advocates for seniors’ rights in long-term care facilities.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Poverty Law Center Helpline | 844-802-5910 | The Senior Legal Helpline offers free legal assistance, advice, and referrals to Virginia residents aged 60 and above. Experienced attorneys are available to address complex legal matters concerning seniors, including long-term care, abuse and neglect, and public benefits like Medicaid. Call the helpline to speak with knowledgeable attorneys who specialize in senior-specific legal issues. |
Virginia Legal Aid | 866-534-5243 | VA Legal Aid provides free legal services to low-income individuals, including a dedicated senior legal helpline. Seniors can seek advice on long-term care, public benefits, and abuse and neglect. Legal assistance is offered at no cost to seniors and those with limited financial resources. |
Senior Engagement
In Virginia, a variety of programs and resources are available for seniors to stay engaged and active. These include wellness initiatives, volunteering options, and support networks, all aimed at fostering community involvement and enhancing life quality.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Dementia Services | 804-662-9154 | The Virginia Office for Aging Services offers dementia services statewide, catering to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. It facilitates collaboration among various agencies and manages initiatives like the Dementia State Plan, Brain Health Virginia, and caregiver training for dementia competence. |
Social Security Offices
In Virginia, Social Security offices provide essential services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. They offer guidance on retirement benefits, disability allowances, and Supplemental Security Income.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Social Security | Social Security provides income for retirees and individuals unable to work due to disability. Funding is derived from payroll taxes paid by employers, employees, and self-employed individuals. Upon retirement, monthly payments are determined by previous earnings. |
Tax Assistance
Numerous tax aid resources are available in Virginia for senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. These include potential exemptions on medical costs, property tax reductions, and other tax relief initiatives.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Department of Taxation | 804-367-8031 | Disabled adults and seniors aged 65 and older may be eligible for property tax exemptions through the Department of Taxation. Local municipalities and counties have the authority to provide these exemptions, with income limits determined locally. Additionally, the state offers a $800 income tax exemption for taxpayers aged 65 or older. Find out if you qualify for a property tax deferral or exemption today. |
Utility & Energy Bill Assistance
Organizations are available to aid low-income seniors in {} struggling with home maintenance costs, including utility and energy bills. Emergency funding may also be accessible for those at risk of utility service termination due to unpaid bills.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia Energy Assistance Program (EAP) | 804-726-7000 | Virginia’s Energy Assistance Program offers emergency aid to low-income families for unpaid heating and cooling bills and urgent needs. It provides seasonal heating and cooling assistance, along with emergency benefits. |
Veteran’s Services
Veteran services in Virginia offer invaluable assistance to retired military personnel. These local entities guide veterans in utilizing their rightful benefits and provide counsel on diverse matters.
Program Name | Phone Number | Description |
Virginia VA Benefits and Health Care | Virginia VA Benefits and Health Care offers health care services to senior veterans at local veteran’s medical centers, including walk-in outpatient clinics. Vet centers across the state provide mental health services. Virginia has several national cemeteries for military personnel’s final resting place. The VA also assists with disability claims and provides access to educational and vocational resources to support veterans in transitioning to civilian life. |
Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Virginia
Assisted Living Admission Requirements
Before admission in an assisted living facility, the resident is required to have a physical examination by an independent physician. In order to determine the resident’s care needs, the Assisted Living Facility (ALF) must also complete a Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI) on the resident.
The UAI must be completed on an annual basis or when there is a significant change in the resident’s condition, whichever comes first.
ALFs cannot admit or retain residents who:
- Require a level of care that the facility is unable or unlicensed to provide
- Are dependant on a ventilator
- Have stage 3 or 4 dermal ulcers, unless the stage 3 ulcers are determined by an independent physician to be healing
- Require intravenous therapy injections directly into their vein (some exceptions apply)
- Have an airborne infectious disease that requires the resident to be placed in isolation or the caretaker to follow special precautions
- Are an imminent physical threat or danger to self or others
- Requires continuous licensed nursing care
Assisted Living Scope of Care
Assisted living facilities in Virginia provide health care services, protection, guidance, and supervision based on what is specified in the resident’s service plan. They also offer assistance with medication, activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, and walking.
Assisted Living Medicaid Policy
Virginia’s Medicaid doesn’t directly pay for assisted living, but the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC Plus) can provide financing. While the CCC Plus waiver is not an entitlement program (meaning not everyone who qualifies is guaranteed acceptance), there is currently no waiting list.
Assisted Living Requirements
ALFs in Virginia are required to meet a variety of specifications required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Some requirements include the following:
- A maximum of two residents are allowed to live in one bedroom.
- Bathtubs and showers must have handrails, non-skid surfaces or strips, and grab bars.
- All bedrooms with connecting bathrooms are required to have easily accessible signaling devices that will alert direct care staff when a resident needs assistance.
Medication Management Regulations
Licensed staff or medication aids may administer medicine as instructed in the resident’s written plan for medication management. Residents who are able can self-administer their own medications.
Staffing Requirements
Two direct care staff members must be present and awake at all times. The direct care staff is responsible for the care and supervision of all residents in the building. Additionally, all assisted living facilities are required to have an acting administrator who will be responsible for the admission and management of the facility and overseeing the day-to-day operation.
Staff Training Requirements
Administrators must be:
- 21 or older
- Licensed as an assisted living facility or nursing home administrator by the Virginia Board of Long-Term Care Administrators
- High school graduates
- Experienced in caring for adults in a health or long-term care facility for at least one year
Administrators who supervise medication aides must first complete a Virginia board of nursing-approved training program for the registration of medication aides. The program is required to include at least 68 hours of student instruction and training.
Direct care staff must:
- Be at least 18 years old, unless they are certified in Virginia as a nurse aide
- Successfully complete the 40-hour direct care staff training taught by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse
- Attend 18 hours of training each year
- Be trained in first aid and CPR
- Be trained on how to deal with aggressive residents and how to properly care for residents in restraints if employed in an ALF that has or accepts aggressive or restrained residents
Background Checks for Assisted Living
Assisted living facilities in Virginia cannot employ anyone convicted of a barrier crime as defined in 22 VAC 40-90-10.
Requirements for Reporting Abuse
Suspicion of any form of elder abuse or neglect should be reported to the Virginia Department of Social Services’ Adult Protective Services (APS). You can report the abuse by calling your local department of social services or the 24-hour APS hotline at (888) 832-3858.
If you suspect an assisted living facility is in violation of any rules and regulations, you can anonymously report the facility to the Virginia Ombudsman by calling (804) 565-1600 or filling out their online form.
Virginia COVID-19 Rules for Assisted Living Facilities
Note: The following information was compiled and most recently updated on 2/15/22. Since COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving crisis, be sure to contact your assisted living facility or local Area Agency on Aging for the most up-to-date information.
COVID-19 Rules in Virginia | |
Are loved ones allowed to visit residents in their assisted living community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents required to quarantine after their loved ones visit? | No |
Are loved ones required to wear masks when visiting residents? | Yes |
Are Hairdressers and other non-medical contractors allowed in assisted living communities? | Yes |
Are visitors screened for elevated temperatures before entering the assisted living community? | Yes |
Are residents allowed to leave the assisted living community for non-medical reasons? | Yes |
Are residents who leave required to quarantine when they get back to the assisted living community? | No (Conditions Apply) |
Are assisted living communities required to cancel all group outings? | No |
Are assisted living communities allowed to host group activities within the community? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are staff members regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are staff members regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
Are residents regularly screened for COVID-19 symptoms? | Yes |
Are residents regularly checked for elevated temperatures? | Yes |
Are residents regularly tested for COVID-19? | Yes (Conditions Apply) |
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We’ve compiled a list of the best assisted living facilities in each the cities featured below using our unique methodology. View images, base pricing, room types, and more information about these communities by clicking on the links below.